Display 121 - 160 hits of 222.
openldap22-servers | 2.2.19-8.pp | i386 | OpenLDAP servers and related files | Old RedHat 7.X |
openssl097 | 0.9.7g-8.pp | i386 | The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transpo | Old RedHat 7.X |
openssl097 | 0.9.7g-8.pp | i586 | The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transpo | Old RedHat 7.X |
openssl097 | 0.9.7g-8.pp | i686 | The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transpo | Old RedHat 7.X |
openssl097 | 0.9.7g-8.pp | athlon | The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transpo | Old RedHat 7.X |
openssl097-devel | 0.9.7g-8.pp | i386 | The development environment for OpenSSL | Old RedHat 7.X |
osrtspproxy | 2.0-4.pp | i386 | RTSP Proxy Kit | Old RedHat 7.X |
pam_krb5 | 1.3-2003.08.03.pp | i386 | A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) for Kerberos 5 | Old RedHat 7.X |
pam_ldap | 176-2.pp | i386 | PAM module for LDAP | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Archive-Tar | 1.22-1 | noarch | Archive-Tar - Manipulates TAR archives | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Archive-Zip | 1.14-1 | noarch | Archive-Zip - Provide an interface to ZIP archive files. | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Authen-SASL | 2.09-1 | noarch | Authen-SASL - Perl module | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-BerkeleyDB | 0.26-1 | i386 | BerkeleyDB - Perl extension for Berkeley DB version 2, 3 or | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Compress-Zlib | 1.33-1 | i386 | Compress-Zlib - Interface to zlib compression library | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Convert-BinHex | 1.119-1 | noarch | Convert-BinHex - extract data from Macintosh BinHex files | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Convert-TNEF | 0.17-1 | noarch | Convert-TNEF - Perl module to read TNEF files | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Convert-UUlib | 1.03-1 | i386 | Convert-UUlib - Perl interface to the uulib library (a.k.a. | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Crypt-DES | 2.03-1 | i386 | Crypt-DES - Perl DES encryption module | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Crypt-SmbHash | 0.12-1 | noarch | Crypt-SmbHash - Perl-only implementation of lanman and nt md | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-DBD-mysql | 3.0002-1 | i386 | DBD-mysql - A MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-DBI | 1.48-1 | i386 | DBI - Database independent interface for Perl | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-DB_File | 1.810-1 | i386 | DB_File - Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Digest | 1.00-1 | noarch | Digest - Modules that calculate message digests | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Digest-BubbleBabble | 0.01-1 | noarch | Digest-BubbleBabble - Create bubble-babble fingerprints | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Digest-HMAC | 1.01-1 | noarch | Digest-HMAC - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Digest-MD5 | 2.33-1 | i386 | Digest-MD5 - Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Digest-Nilsimsa | 0.06-1 | i386 | Digest-Nilsimsa - Perl version of Nilsimsa code | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Digest-SHA1 | 2.10-1 | i386 | Digest-SHA1 - Perl interface to the SHA-1 algorithm | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Encode-compat | 0.07-1 | noarch | Encode-compat - Encode.pm compatibility layer | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker | 6.30-1 | noarch | ExtUtils-MakeMaker - Create a module Makefile | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Geography-Countries | 1.4-1 | noarch | Geography-Countries - - 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical co | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Inline | 0.44-1 | noarch | Inline - Perl module | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-IO-Socket-SSL | 0.96-1 | noarch | IO-Socket-SSL - - Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for I | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-IO-String | 1.06-1 | noarch | IO-String - Emulate file interface for in-core strings | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-IO-stringy | 2.109-1 | noarch | IO-stringy - stringy - I/O on in-core objects like strings a | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-IO-Zlib | 1.04-1 | noarch | IO-Zlib - IO:: style interface to L | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-IP-Country | 2.18-1 | noarch | IP-Country - fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-ldap | 0.32-1 | noarch | perl-ldap - Perl module | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-libnet | 2.29-1 | noarch | libnet - Collection of Network protocol modules | Old RedHat 7.X |
perl-Mail-ClamAV | 0.13-1 | i386 | Mail-ClamAV - Perl extension for the clamav virus scanner | Old RedHat 7.X |